Switch Safety from Flood

Last updated: 5 Oct 2023  |  14956 Views  | 

Switch Safety from Flood

What to do when your switch and socket survive the flood?

Many of us might have faced the unexpected flooding; first thing first, pull down the power cut-out!

  1. After waiting for the water to dry, make sure not to use any electricity from the area that just survive the flood and wait for at least 3 days to start testing whether the equipment can still be used.
  2. If you're not sure about the electricity leakage, use a tester screwdriver to check if there's safe to use or not.
  3. Use clothes or electric-insulated stuffs to help when you start using the switch instead of directly pushing your finger on it. However, most of the high quality switch have the electric-insulated materials on the surface which could reduce the chance of accident.
  4. If the area doesn't look so safe, make sure to call for a qualified technician to check everything before using. It will be worth it!

SAHN products have the high quality electric-insulated material inside and on the surface of switch and socket to reduce the chance of accident. You can choose our high quality product ranges inside the website.


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